Aurora College has developed a strong partnership with the Office of the eSafety Commissioner. This has allowed Aurora College to deliver key messages about working, learning and interacting safely while online. As our world, and our learning, becomes increasingly connected, Aurora College is at the forefront of ensuring that students are equipped with essential knowledge, skills and resources to cope with a rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Within individual classes, students move through class programs to ensure digital citizenship, password safety and net-izen etiquette is explicitly taught and discussed. These essential aspects of student safety are a focus in early programs as students join us in Year 5, and are also reinforced through a series of Masterclasses.
Aurora College works with the Office of the eSafety Commissioner to host MasterClasses that centre around yearly events. These sessions are held in MS Teams with additional support materials provided by the Office of the eSafety Commission. All schools are welcome to join in these events by registering through the Aurora College Events page. These sessions are carefully constructed to deliver essential safety messages and to also align with the Australian Curriculum. Thousands of students join these sessions each year across NSW.
These eSafety MasterClasses (webinars) provide essential safety information and are delivered by skilled and knowledgeable presenters. Advice within the presentations is informed by latest research and by eSafety's Best Practice Framework for Educators. The target audience for these sessions are middle and upper primary (Stage 2 and Stage 3), they are a great starting point to having important discussions about online safety.
Each live 45 minute Virtual Classroom webinar looks at how students can use their voice to make things better online for themselves and others. Using live video sessions, an on-camera trainer guides participants through a slide deck presentation. Students usually participate in their own classrooms, responding to questions and activities using the student workbook (digital, printed or displayed as suits individual teachers).
In Term 1, Aurora College hosts two sessions that focus on Safer Internet Day.
In Term 3, multiple sessions are scheduled that focus on the National Day of Action against Bullying and Child Protection Week.
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